Weather 78739 In the winter months (December to February), the average high temperature is around 65°F (18°C), with lows in the 40s°F (single digits°C). The coldest month of the year is January, with an average low temperature of 42°F (6°C). Snowfall is rare in Austin, with an average annual snowfall of less than 1 inch (2.5 cm). The area receives an average of 34 inches (86 cm) of rainfall per year, with the wettest months being May and September. Thunderstorms are common in the summer months, and the area is at risk for tornadoes and flooding. The average high temperature in the summer months (June to August) is around 95°F (35°C), with temperatures sometimes reaching over 100°F (38°C). The heat is often accompanied by high humidity levels, making it feel even hotter. The hottest month of the year is August, with an average high temperature of 96°F (36°C). In the winter months (December to February), the average high temperature is around 65°F (18°C), with lows in the 40s°F (single digits°C). The coldest month of the year is January, with an average low temperature of 42°F (6°C). Snowfall is rare in Austin, with an average annual snowfall of less than 1 inch (2.5 cm). The area receives an average of 34 inches (86 cm) of rainfall per year, with the wettest months being May and September. Thunderstorms are common in the summer months, and the area is at risk for tornadoes and flooding. 2. Aging infrastructure: The electrical grid in Massachusetts is aging, and many of the power lines and transformers are nearing the end of their lifespan. This can lead to equipment failures and outages. The average sunshine hours in Austin are around 6 hours per day in the winter and 10 hours per day in the summer. The area experiences an average of 228 sunny days per year. In conclusion, the weather in ZIP code 78739 is characterized by hot, humid summers and mild, dry winters. The area receives a moderate amount of rainfall throughout the year, with the risk of severe weather events such as tornadoes and flooding. The climate is typical of the humid subtropical climate zone, with high humidity levels and an average of 228 sunny days per year.
The Lancaster Goodwill Store is committed to sustainability and reducing waste. The store's donation program helps to keep items out of landfills and gives them a new life. The store's recycling program also helps to reduce waste by recycling items such as electronics, batteries, and textiles.
2. Housing: The housing section offers a variety of listings for apartments, houses, rooms, and shared accommodations. Users can find short-term and long-term rentals, as well as properties for sale. The property is situated on a quiet street, surrounded by similar homes, with well-maintained lawns and gardens. The neighborhood is family-friendly, with many children living in the area. There are several parks and playgrounds nearby, providing ample opportunities for outdoor activities and recreation. 5. **Marketing Coordinator** O'Reilly Auto Parts in Winona is open seven days a week, making it convenient for customers with busy schedules. The store's hours are Monday through Saturday from 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM, and Sunday from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. One of Joliet's most iconic theaters is the Rialto Square Theatre, often referred to as the "Jewel of Joliet." This historic theater, which was built in 1926, is known for its stunning architecture and acoustics. The Rialto Square Theatre hosts a variety of events throughout the year, including concerts, plays, comedy shows, and dance performances. The theater's ornate interior, which features a grand staircase, marble columns, and intricate frescoes, is a popular destination for weddings, corporate events, and other special occasions.